Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hands Up

Hands up

OK I admit it, I haven't been doing much in the way of creativity of late, but, I have got myself a job, and a trip back to NZ, and I haven't got much space...excuses.

Anyway I've completed a series of A5 sewn pieces based on sketch book works, and I really like them. I've been playing with the backgrounds, adding lines and squiggles. Really enjoying the experimentation.

Will do more!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I like the red ink

Love the red. I've been working on a couple of linocuts, and pretty pleased with the results, just need to find the time to make some decent prints.

Working from sketches, the simple line works well for me

I've also created a shop

Check it out

Sunday, March 7, 2010


This is the first proof of a linocut I started last week. I'm not sure if I've tried to translate such a sketchy life drawing to a relief print before. Pretty pleased with the result so far. It's around A4. I've done a little more cutting, tidying up the lines and the feet. Not sure about the colour yet - may try experimenting a little before the final edition. Thinking about how to combine with sewing....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Experiment time

My mother's sewing machine is like a dream come true. I haven't had one tension tantrum, and it will accept any sort of fluffy cotton you care to thread up. I've been experimenting with the 'fancy' stitches and filling up the space with thread.

These pieces are sewn on thin calico, with no backing. Just need to find a way the present them for wall hanging.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Picking up the thread

After packing up the house (including sewing machine) and shipping self and family to the other side of the world (including the dog), it about time to do more sewing.

A little nervous as the last time I attempted to sew anything, I ended up sewing through my finger, fainting, and ending up in casualty with a suspected fractured clavicle...but that's another story.

But, and amazing discovery, a darning foot - full protection for the didgets, my sewing is no longer extreme. Probably not that amazing for people with any sewing skill.

Using my mother's sewing machine, feels like driving a Mercedes after being used to a much more agricultural vehicle. My New Year's Resolution is to put my sewing machine up for auction the minute it comes out of storage.

Anyway, the local charity shop kindly sold me some napkins and a tablecloth for 3 pounds, I'm in the starting blocks, and I'm off ------------------------------